Begin your research well in advance, make sure that you check for accuracy and cite any quotations correctly.

Only use the information which is absolutely essential for you to make your point. Avoid overloading the audience with irrelevant facts.

Use simple language rather than ornate. Try not to make it difficult for your audience to follow your argument.

Where appropriate use humour, maybe a light hearted quotation about the topic. This helps to lighten serious presentations and changes the audience mood.

List the main points you need to cover under main heading. It is usually accepted that no more than three main points can be covered in ten minutes; and if the subject is complex that may have to be reduced to two.

If you are using visual aids, mark where you intend to introduce them or change the slides.

In your conclusion reiterate your main points, without detail.

Write several drafts, and practice and edit where necessary.

When you are happy with the presentation, transfer the main points to cards, or print out using large point, clear font and double spacing.

Rehearse and time the presentation. Adjust as necessary – to shorten remove unnecessary descriptive words, and to lengthen – add them. This ensures that the main focus of the presentation has not changed.

Finally, practice with any props or visual aids that you intend to use.

Arrive at the venue with the confidence of knowing that you have prepared and practiced and are in control.

For more information on preparing and presenting at seminars and conferences go to our website at and check out the seminars available to you in communication for business.

Michele at Trischel

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