The captain of the Rowing Boat

With the Olympics about to commence, I thought I might consider one of my favourite sports – rowing. Actually – Leadership and Rowing!During the last twenty years, training for corporate or organisational leadership has focused on management skills. It was felt...

The Seven Steps to Change

It sometimes appears that as soon as we start to understand just what it is we are doing -it all changes. And sometimes there appears to be no rhyme or reason to it all. In fact I recall a poster that indicated an ancient Greek philosopher had said something similar …...

The Pareto Principle

Okay! You asked for it!! ~ So here is some information on the Pareto Principle, or what is more commonly known as the 80/20 Rule. It is named after the Italian economist and sociologist, Vilfredo Pareto who lived from 1848 to 1923. Pareto was fascinated by social and...

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