About eighteen months ago, my husband and I had a disagreement over a decision he made unilaterally, without considering my input. I firmly expressed that decisions in a partnership should involve both parties to be fair and equitable. However, this stand seems to have backfired, as my husband now avoids making any decisions altogether. The incident made me contemplate the intricacies of decision-making and the role emotions play in this process. In this blog, we’ll explore the delicate balance between logic and emotions in decision-making and the challenges of achieving true impartiality, especially in legal settings.

  1. The Tug of Emotions and Instincts in Decision-Making: Decisions can be influenced by various factors, including logic, statistics, and gut feelings. While some choices are driven by pragmatism, others are made purely on instinct. It is my belief that, consciously or subconsciously, all decisions have an emotional component. Even Max Bazerman, a renowned expert from Boston University, seems to concur, suggesting that judgments tend to be unconsciously biased towards one’s self-interest.
  2. The Struggle for Impartiality: Bazerman’s observation aligns with the idea that it is difficult for individuals involved in a decision to ignore their self-interest entirely. We may justify our preferred option by selectively interpreting the facts to support our views. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent when we are part of the problem or the proposed solution, and we seek to defend our self-interest while invoking fairness.
  3. The Illusion of Absolute Impartiality: The pursuit of absolute impartiality, especially in the legal system with judges, magistrates, and juries, remains a challenge. While the requirement for impartiality exists, human nature inevitably influences the decision-making process. Personal opinions and beliefs about what constitutes fairness are bound to come into play.
  4. The Impact of Personality in Legal Proceedings: In court or tribunal proceedings, the personality of judges or magistrates may inadvertently influence the way information is presented. Despite following the law and weighing evidence, subtle biases can affect interpretations and judgments. High Court decisions often aim to set precedents, yet they may still have dissents due to varying interpretations.
  5. Reflection on Personal Decision-Making: Considering my recent decisions, I must admit that most of them were made based on outcomes I can live with. However, I also acknowledge that I’ve been guilty of trying to persuade my husband to agree with my preferred option, which may not always be fair to him.

Conclusion: The intricacies of decision-making go beyond cold logic and statistics. Emotions and instincts inevitably play a part in shaping our choices. Achieving absolute impartiality may be an elusive goal, but it’s essential to be aware of our biases and strive for fairness. Max Bazerman’s book may provide valuable insights into making decisions with fewer personal preferences clouding our judgment. In the end, acknowledging the complex nature of decision-making can lead to better understanding and harmony, both in personal relationships and in broader legal contexts.

So, next time you face a decision, take a moment to reflect on the interplay of emotions and impartiality, and embrace the challenge of navigating this intricate art of decision-making. After all, it’s about creating a fair and fulfilling path for everyone involved.

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Trish Springsteen 

Multi International Award Winning Speaking Mentor, Coach  

International Best Selling Author, Get Known Be Seen WebTV Host

Clients work with Trish because they know she can help them have the confidence and self-belief to leverage their business with speaking and communication. Trish typically works with business owners, introverts, authors and advocates helping them to have the confidence to step up and share their message with those who need to hear it. Believe Act Share, become empowered for success, Get Known Be Seen and become the Influencer you want to be. 






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